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easy popcorn

my go-to popcorn recipe! super easy and very tasty


  • olive oil
  • an amount of kernels (I usually do like...half a cup)


  1. put 3 tbsp of oil in a mid-sized pot with a lid (you don't have to put the lid on yet)
  2. measure out your desired amount of kernels and place 3 or 4 in the oil, then heat until they're all popped.
  3. immediately turn off the heat, put the rest of the kernels in (and put the lid on the pot) and count to 30 seconds. this lets the kernels get up to the right temperature!
  4. once the time is up, put the heat back on (about medium) and wait. when there's several seconds between pops, turn off the heat and carefully pour into a bowl before salting while it's still hot.
  5. consume like a rabid beast!!